Spanning the vast distance from the Lake District to the far tip of southern Tierra del Fuego, Chilean Patagonia is a truly remote wilderness. Seemingly full of open spaces and apparent emptiness, scratch the surface of this area and you will find a world filled with unspoilt beauty for those prepared to give the region the time and attention it deserves. Snow-capped volcanoes are interspersed with magnificent glaciers, mighty rivers and dramatic mountain ranges. The area has long been recognised as one of natural beauty and National Park status now protects vast swathes of the landscape. The most popular regions include the famed Torres del Paine National Park and the Lake District, whilst the undiscovered Aisen province is a hidden gem. Throughout the year the region is home to an impressive array of flora and fauna; graceful condors can be seen soaring overhead whilst grazing guanacos and stealthy puma roam freely.